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Year 2

Welcome to Ahlberg Class!

Year 2 is such an exciting year.  Your child will develop more independence through this year and build up stamina for concentrating for longer periods of time - not to mention all the new skills and fascinating facts they will learn! As the oldest children in Key stage 1 they will have certain responsibilities, such as representing their class in our school committees and becoming buddies to the new Reception children, supporting them at lunchtimes and on the playground. 


Year 2 is taught by Mrs Lawson on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and Mr Pryce on Fridays. The class are supported by Mrs Barnwell and Mrs Morris. We feel so priviledged to be teaching your child for the next step of their educational journey and look forward to building an excellent home - school partnership with you. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.


Our curriculum is inspired by what we know children of 6 and 7 years of age love to learn, as well as being completely embedded within the expectations of the National Curriculum. We have made links through the year so your child's learning builds on what they already know, is ambitious for what they can achieve and aspirational for what can be learned.  Highlights include exciting topics on Castles, Australia, Historical Superheroes and Amazing Animals. A full list of our topic webs and plan for the year can be found in the folders on the left of this page.


This is the year when your child will consolidate all of their phonic knowledge learned through Reception and Year 1. Moving forward, the emphasis of our teaching of reading will change towards the comprehension of what they read, whilst still practising their all important word decoding skills on a daily basis. Reading at home with your child has never been more important. Reading for 10 minutes a day will improve their access to all areas of the curriculum because fluent reading is the key to everything! Through this year you will find that your child's conversations about books will develop as they learn to discuss characters, settings and interesting vocabulary in their reading. We will continue to send home reading books every Monday. Ideally, each book should be read at least twice to help consolidate new vocabulary and build fluency. 


Each week, your child will receive spellings to practise and maths homework to complete through their homework book.  The homework book must be returned to school on a Tuesday and will come back home, marked and replenished with new work on a Thursday. We will have a spelling test every Wednesday to check your child’s progress. We are striving for children to become confident spellers who apply their knowledge in to all areas of writing.

Trips, Visitors and Residential

In Ahlberg Class we enjoy a visit to Warwick Castle during our 'Castles' topic.  We also have many local trips into Braunston village to find out about local habitats in science, the war memorial in history and of course, trips to All Saints Church for services of worship and RE projects. 

Daily Organisation

Your child needs to bring a water bottle into school every day; this should be filled with water only. Even during the colder months, it is important that the children keep hydrated throughout the day. A healthy snack will be provided by the school at break time. Our PE lessons will be on a Tuesday and Friday. Please can children come ready dressed in their PE kit on these days with their school jumper or cardigan over the top and feel free to wear dark jogging bottoms as the weather gets colder. 

We are looking forward to working in partnership with you to provide the very best outcomes for your child. 

‘Learn as if you were going to live forever.’




Year 2 Curriculum Overviews

Term Dates


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We are proud to be a member of
Peterborough Diocese Education Trust, supporting our School.



Braunston CE Primary School, Barby Road, Braunston, Northamptonshire, NN11 7HF, Tel: 01788 890494



Doors open at 08:45 Monday to Friday, end of School is at 3:15 each day but check News & Dates for changes!

Term Dates


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