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Welcome to our school website. Braunston is a happy, caring school with fabulous children and hardworking, dynamic staff. In our last OFSTED inspection (November 2022) we were graded as good in every category.

Our school vision is to ensure that all of our children are ‘learning for life in all its fullness’. This means that we have high expectations in all areas of the curriculum and work hard to provide the children with a variety of experiences that promote excitement and wonder through trips, visitors to school and activities both within our local community and further afield.

At Braunston we believe that the relationship between home and school is one of partnership, support and co-operation so that every child has the opportunity to develop to their full potential academically, socially, physically and spiritually.

We are part of the Peterborough Diocese Education Trust and our foundation as a Christian school is very important to us. Everything we do in school is firmly rooted in the values of Relationships; Reconciliation; Responsibility; Respect and Reverence; Resilience and Reflection. Our children learn these values.

They also learn to respect and understand the values of other religions and those without faith. This is reflected in our last Diocese inspection (February 2017) when we were graded as outstanding in every category.

The best way to find out more about our caring, nurturing school is to come and visit us. We are happy to show you around and encourage you to talk to us and ask any questions you may have. We look forward to meeting you.

Lianna Willis

Statutory Information

Having the correct information in an easily accessible manner on our school website is now essential not only for Ofsted inspections but also for current and prospective parents and pupils. Click the link below to find our more.

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School Calendar

Providing you with up to date information about School Events is really important. You can plan ahead when you know about Parents' Evenings, Open Days and Class Worship and Assemblies!  Click the link below to find our more.

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School Newsletters

Our School Newsletters are not just about dates and assemblies! We use them to keep you up to date with some of the fantastic things that have happened recently but also look forward to future activities that enhance your child's learning at Braunston CE Primary!

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Welcome to Horowitz Class

In Year 6, we thoroughly enjoy preparing the oldest pupils of our school for the world that is awaiting them once they leave us here at Braunston. Their final year here focuses on 'pulling together' all the amazing qualities, talents and knowledge that they have gained on their journey of experiences throughout their time here. There are many opportunities for all their individualities to be celebrated, nurtured and encouraged as they are prepared for secondary school, both in their learning and personal development. Year 6 is full of hard work, challenges and fun!

There are many opportunities for Horowitz to shine as role models in school: house captains, house vice-captains, committee members, monitors and in their daily conduct. Their contributions to the school are valued and this is recognised by the staff and other children.

Mrs Carter and Mrs Sawyer are the class teachers; the year 6 team is supported by Mrs Pateman and Mrs Maxwell. Please feel free to contact any of us with queries; we enjoy working in partnership with parents and carers and our amazing pupils for the best outcomes for your children. 

We are lucky to teach a wide range of exciting topics in Horowtiz Class and more details about these are in the long term map document, which provides a brief overview of the year. For more detail each term, our topic webs show the learning in specific subjects. Our 'Crime and Punishment' topic is a firm favourite in class-is it all the gory details?!

Reading unlocks so many doors for children and adults which is why it is so important that your children leave us as confident and competent readers, who have a love of books and all they offer. Although your child may have been reading independently for a while, we really value them reading daily to an adult at home, regardless of their ability. This valuable time can be an opportunity to tackle new words, discuss new word meanings, and enjoy discussing new texts together. We love hearing your children read in school which takes place daily/weekly/fortnightly depending on the needs of your child. We write comments in their reading record, and enjoy seeing your comments too.

Each week we use SpellingShed to set games for your child to practise spelling patterns and rules that have been taught in school. Your child will have informal tests in school to apply over their knowledge of that week as well as visit previous spelling teaching. This encourages them to learn and practise these patterns for long-term understanding and retain this vital knowledge. They can revisit previously set games too on SpellingShed. We are striving for children to become confident spellers who apply their knowledge in to all areas of writing.

Mathematics and GPS Homework
Times table challenges, that are suited to your child, are completed with an adult each week; therefore, they should be practising regularly to help improve their recall speed - this really helps them with so many areas in maths. We also send out maths and GPS homework every week via our homework books; this homework gives you and your child an opportunity to practise and share the strategies that children are learning within school.  Homework is sent out on a Thursday and expected back in on the following Thursday.  

Trips, Visitors and Residential
In Horowitz Class we hope to enjoy a visit from the magistrates and a Viking. We also enjoy a visit to a Mosque as part of our RE work. In the summer term, we take part in a project with the Pocket Park Committee to enter in the Gallie Project Prize competition, which sees us working closely with villagers. There have been some incredible entries in to this competition in the past! One of the many highlights of our year is a residential visit, where we complete the year as a team, taking part in outdoor activities.

Daily Organisation
The children need to bring a water bottle into school every day; this should be filled with water. Even during the colder months, it is important that the children keep hydrated throughout the day. A healthy snack can be brought into school to be eaten at break time. They should wear their PE kit to school on PE days which are Mondays and Fridays.

We look forward to all of the opportunities through Year 6, watching every single one of the class grow from primary school children in to secondary-ready, young adults, preparing to leave their invaluable mark on the world.

‘Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to suceed is always to try just one more time." Thomas Edison (scientist)

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Term Dates


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We are proud to be a member of
Peterborough Diocese Education Trust, supporting our School.



Braunston CE Primary School, Barby Road, Braunston, Northamptonshire, NN11 7HF, Tel: 01788 890494



Doors open at 08:45 Monday to Friday, end of School is at 3:15 each day but check News & Dates for changes!

Term Dates


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